"E sabemos que todas as coisas concorrem para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus, daqueles que são chamados segundo o seu propósito." Romanos 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
fevereiro 12, 2014
Andrea Bocelli - The Lord's Prayer. (+playlist)
"7 E, quando orarem, não fiquem sempre repetindo a mesma coisa, como fazem os pagãos. Eles pensam que por muito falarem serão ouvidos.
8 Não sejam iguais a eles, porque o seu Pai sabe do que vocês precisam, antes mesmo de o pedirem.
9 Vocês, orem assim:
"Pai nosso, que estás nos céus!
Santificado seja o teu nome.
10 Venha o teu Reino;
seja feita a tua vontade,
assim na terra como no céu.
11 Dá-nos hoje o nosso
pão de cada dia.
12 Perdoa as nossas dívidas,
assim como perdoamos
aos nossos devedores.
13 E não nos deixes cair
em tentação,
mas livra-nos do mal,
porque teu é o Reino, o poder e a glória para sempre. Amém."
Mateus 6:7-13
Leann Rimes - Amazing Grace
Grace Lyrics
Grace Lyrics
John Newton
Grace, how sweet the sound,
Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved
a wretch like me.
a wretch like me.
I once was
lost but now am found,
lost but now am found,
Was blind,
but now I see.
but now I see.
T'was Grace
that taught my heart to fear.
that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace,
my fears relieved.
my fears relieved.
precious did that Grace appear
precious did that Grace appear
The hour I
first believed.
first believed.
many dangers, toils and snares
many dangers, toils and snares
I have
already come;
already come;
'Tis Grace
that brought me safe thus far
that brought me safe thus far
and Grace
will lead me home.
will lead me home.
The Lord
has promised good to me.
has promised good to me.
His word my
hope secures.
hope secures.
He will my
shield and portion be,
shield and portion be,
As long as
life endures.
life endures.
Yea, when
this flesh and heart shall fail,
this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal
life shall cease,
life shall cease,
I shall
possess within the veil,
possess within the veil,
A life of
joy and peace.
joy and peace.
Yes, when
this flesh and heart shall fail,
this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal
life shall cease;
life shall cease;
I shall
profess, within the vail,
profess, within the vail,
A life of
joy and peace.
joy and peace.
following stanza was written by an an anonymous author, often replacing the
sixth stanza, or inserted as the fourth.
following stanza was written by an an anonymous author, often replacing the
sixth stanza, or inserted as the fourth.
When we've
been there ten thousand years
been there ten thousand years
shining as the sun.
shining as the sun.
We've no
less days to sing God's praise
less days to sing God's praise
Than when
we've first begun.
we've first begun.
Grace, how sweet the sound,
Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved
a wretch like me.
a wretch like me.
I once was
lost but now am found,
lost but now am found,
Was blind,
but now I see.
but now I see.
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